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Give it to God

Writer: Ann DrogeAnn Droge

"Pour out all your worries and stress upon him and leave them there, for he always tenderly cares for you." – 1 Peter 5:7 (TPT)

About 4 years my life was turned upside and I was left drowning in sea of regret, heartache, brokenness, embarrassment, failure and hurt. I questioned and over-analyzed every decision I had ever made in the last 25 years. I talked ad nauseam about my brokenness with my small group, my friends, at women’s retreats, and I thank God for those women. They continually pour into me. They wanted me to see me, how they saw me, and how God saw me. However, my vision was too blurry. I saw myself through the eyes of the people that hurt me. I had this hostile squatter living in brain, slowly choking the happy right out of my life. I was devastated, angry, disappointed, scared, and defeated. 

Looking back on that season of my life, it was a grueling 2 1/2 years but it didn’t have to be. Once I accepted that God wanted to carry my broken heart, I was able to evict my hostile squatter and I began to see Him so clearly. God taught me how to forgive myself, when others wouldn’t. He showed me that I deserved love, when others said they hated me. He enlightened my heart to His grace, when others didn’t think I deserved it. Those lessons completely changed my life, He put all the broken pieces of my heart back together and made me a stronger, more confident Christian woman. 

In Matthew 14:25-33 Peter had all kinds of emotions in just one boat ride. He was terrified, brave, scared and I am certain at one point he was questioning why he ever got on the boat in the first place. In verse 26 the disciples, while on a boat, cried out in fear. They thought they were seeing a ghost. In verse 27 we see that Jesus immediately told them to “take courage. It is I. Don’t be afraid.” Jesus could have totally messed with them, made it a haunted boat ride--- Jesus edition, but instead Jesus immediately told them to take courage. Jesus doesn’t want us to fear the unknown. He wants us to know, that even when we aren’t sure of what we are facing, have faith in Him. In verse 28 when Peter’s bravery led him to challenge this ghostly figure, he clearly goes all in. Jesus being all about the teachable moments accepts his challenge. Peter steps out of the boat and walks on the water. Jesus told Peter to be brave, to walk toward what has scared him; He will find Jesus there. When Peter gives way to his fear, he takes his eyes off of Jesus, and he begins to sink. Then in verse 31 “Immediately, Jesus reached out His hand and caught him…”  Jesus could have waited to see if Peter could swim, but instead he immediately reached out His hand and caught Him. God does not want to watch His children treading water, He wants us to hold out our hand so He can pull us out of it. 

God will always show up for you, in whatever emotional state you are experiencing. He wants us to have enough faith to get out of our preverbal boat, walk toward Him, and allow Him to immediately comfort you. Jesus says “Cast your cares onto the Lord, He cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:7)

There is not a list of acceptable things God will allow you to cast on Him; it is anything and everything!!!! The more things you give to God, the more you allow Him to comfort you!!  

❤️ ❤️


** Show Ann some love! You can further connect with her on Instagram: @ann_droge


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